(´_ゝ`) the gooberverse

when do we celebrate

do you celebrate on new years?
or on new years eve only?
maybe both?

it’s a bit confusing to me.
we called off meeting for raid today
because people would be preparing stuff for new year’s eve,
which kinda makes sense. there’s stuff to do
specifically at midnight of course.

but the rest of the day…?
what else could possibly be going on?
you’re not going to work tomorrow,
that’s for sure. it’s a federal holiday, man.

i dunno. maybe if i had someone to spend
the “day” with it would be a different story,
but from my perspective it’s a pretty
pedestrian day and i think new year’s itself should get
more credit. that being said, i’m all about
acknowledging the pieces that make the whole possible.
so new year’s eve isn’t terrible.

i guess i just wish we raided.

thanks for reading today’s post.
always gaming on the mind, to the end of the year..
