(´_ゝ`) the gooberverse

the potentially awful valley of small talk

how are you with small talk at the office?

some people are excellent at it. usually these
are people who are either up to current events,
interested in some sort of easily common activity
like sports or movies, or are just generally
good at showing interest in other peoples' lives.

i feel like i’m not terrible at small talk,
but you ever get into a conversation with a guy at work
and it’s like you can feel the parts just..
not fitting together right? like they might almost
be there, but they’re DEFINITELY not getting there.

i have yet to figure out how to worm my way
out of that one. i usually get by with stuff like
water refills or bathroom breaks. but sometimes it’s
just like there’s an air about the vibe where there’s
almost an expectation on myself to keep it going?

maybe i’m fighting ghosts. it could be possible.
in fact, after writing this out, i’d be inclined
to believe that the pressure is probably entirely
self-inflicted and in reality the guy is just
giving an honest attempt at conversation.

well. i’ll live.

thanks for reading today’s post.
coworker talk.. can’t live with it, can’t live without it..