(´_ゝ`) the gooberverse

the location of the pant cuff

have you ever thought about pants?

specifically, how you like your pants to fit.
some people like them more high-waisted,
others like them when they’re baggier.
some like darker colors and rougher fabrics,
others prefer lighter colors and lightweight fabrics.

my personally perfect pant is this:
a pure black denim that allows me to sit it
just beneath my navel, while the exact cuff
of the pant reaches such that you can see
what socks i’m wearing, but not so high up
that it looks like i’m Erkel from Family Matters,
and retaining a tight-yet-stretchiness that allows
for unrestricted movement while maintaining its form.

yes, that would be the perfect pair of pants.
in a world where people are moving towards baggy
and straight-fit pants, and in a world where clothes
are designed for people who are over 5'10", it can be
a tough world finding a good pair of pants.

but that is the stuff of life.
against all odds.

thanks for reading today’s post.
so we beat on, boats against the current..