(´_ゝ`) the gooberverse

the idea of the two-day weekend

i’ve been thinking about two-day weekends.

right now in society in america,
we abide by the two-day weekend.

you get saturday and sunday off work,
then you work monday through friday.

but the only real two-day weekend in my opinion
could possibly be if you had friday and monday off as well.

you see, in its current state,
saturday is spent recovering from friday
having been a workday already.

and sunday is spent worrying about
how the upcoming week/monday will go.

so really, are either day a “weekend”?
nay. we need friday and monday as a buffer
to truly make “saturday” and “sunday”
into “the two-day weekend”.

mmhmm. yep.

thanks for reading today’s post.
back to work we go..