the beauty of online returns
are you an online shopper?
i make a fair amount of purchases online,
be it on Amazon, or clothing stores, or hobbyist sites.
to be honest, the convenience is simply unmatched.
i think about how much time i save having to drive to the store
or having to find a physical location in general for a thing i wanna buy,
and it feels so satisfying.
granted, this feeling of satisfaction is fueled by the dire
labor conditions of the working stiff of, Inc.,
and there is certainly an evil at play to be considered when using them
and other online retailers for your convenience..
but as a working-class american, i’d be lying if i said
i wasn’t just about to punt it to the next person.
a nice thing i enjoy about online shopping is return policies.
for the most part, you can enjoy household wares, attire, and goods
the world over, and should you find it not to your liking,
simply file a return and eat shipping alone for the experience of trying it!
(and that’s if they don’t do free returns, which amazon certainly does)
so, yeah, i’m another cog in the machine.
but sometimes, it feels good to spin the wheels.
thanks for reading today’s post.
i imagine i’ll grow out of this in my later 20s.