(´_ゝ`) the gooberverse

taming the beast

anyone have any good answers for
how to reconcile the beastly nature
of mankind versus the altruistic sense
that we’ve developed as humans?

i’m talking about the stuff where it feels
like the right thing to do is the exact
opposite of the thing that feels good to do.

what’s up with that. why can’t they be the same.
it’s fucked up that it’s not that way.
whoever designed it should have not made it that way.

i guess nothing worth doing was ever easy, as they say.
but like, dude! fuck that noise. that sucks shit.

i don’t have any answers, man. you think if i had answers
to questions like that, i’d be writing a blogpost like this?

thanks for reading today’s post.
like how veggies are good for you but taste bad..