subway sandwiches are slop
back in high school i used to get subway a decent amount.
i had friends who worked there who would hook me up
with their employee discount: 50% off anything.
an italian BMT footlong on herbs and cheese
for a measly $7.00? count me in.
one of them even told me a trick about asking for
oil on the sandwich before you toast it to get that extra
crisp on your meat choice. nice touch.
but subway has finally lost it:
they removed shredded mozzarella. the best cheese.
now we’re stuck in provolone hell. it just ain’t the same.
also, compared to potbelly, they honestly
just do not taste that good. potbelly is way better
bang for your buck now.. surprisingly.
how the mighty have fallen.
thanks for reading today’s post.
subway had its time, i guess..