staying up even later somehow
how are you with your sleep schedule?
if you’re anything like me,
completely goddamn terrible.
without fail i stay up later
and later playing video games or
scrolling social media or watching
youtube and stuff. generally unproductive
things. and then the times just goes.
on one hand, i feel guilty.
i should be going to bed so i can
be rested for the day tomorrow.
but on the other hand this time that i spend
wasting the hours away, i do enjoy my time.
it feels like the only real alone time i have.
which is interesting coming from a guy who i feel
doesn’t spend too much time with other people anyways.
can never get enough, eh?
so i try to remember that time you enjoy spending
isn’t wasted time at all. and that the solace you get
is worth it. but just to try your best in fixing it, right?
thanks for reading today’s post.
get some sleep.