sparkling water
are you into sparkling water?
honestly sparkling water is kind of a miss for me.
when i was growing up, my mom taught my brother and i
to practically never reach for soda in situations where
beverages were offered. we were always water guys.
this worked to our benefit, largely. it even set up a nice
failsafe system in that my tongue gets really easily
overwhelmed by the carbonation in soda (it hurts).
but sparkling water is kind of this other thing:
it’s like, less carbonated than soda and typically uses
less sugar/sweeteners? so you might think if you’re looking
for water that has a bit of a different flavor,
then sparkling water would be the way to go.
now, i haven’t tried a whole lot of sparkling water,
but my general perception of it is that most brands largely
taste like nothing and they’re essentially scamming you on
buying carbonated water. which, at that point, why not just
drink water and feel more refreshed anyways?
but this is all to say, i recently picked up some “Chi Forest”
sparkling water from my local Costco, and i’m surprised:
i’ve found a sparkling water drink that i actually enjoy.
even beyond the carbonation biting against my tongue,
and the pressing taste of artificial sweeteners.
will this develop into a hopeless addiction?
probably not, it’s a huge pain in the ass to drive
to Costco as someone who spends most of their waking hours
on their computer. but i will be enjoying my case of
Chi Forest while it lasts, and its flavors such as Peach, Orange, Grape, and Lychee.
thanks for reading today’s post.
i hear they work great as chasers, too.