(´_ゝ`) the gooberverse

space pilot 3000

the title of today’s post, the very first one, is from futurama, a show about an average dude named Fry who gets cryogenically frozen in the year 2000 and wakes up in the year 3000 to earth being an interstellar civilization. following his job as a pizza delivery boy in the past, he becomes a spaceship delivery boy in the future, hence the name “space pilot 3000”. i always liked the name, it just sounds neat.

after wrangling with several tutorials from chatGPT on how to set up a Hugo website with a docker image, i finally have the site working! (at least locally)

actually the inspiration for the website was supposed to be a “Terminal”-style like website where the interface felt like you were in a Linux shell. it turned out to be too much work to manually implement and too difficult to find a theme that i thought did my idea justice, so i ended up going with the bearblog theme for Hugo by Jan Raasch. this website’s theme is also shamelesslyfully stolen from his personal website, which is somewhat shamefully stolen from a relatively unknown bearblog source of an anonymous user.

An example Linux shell
an example linux shell i found on google.

i latched onto the style immediately because it brought back the monospaced fonts of the Linux shell i was hoping to have. i’ll probably be customizing the color a little to make it at least feel a little different from jan’s site, but for now, this is okay.

i think i would like to write out some of the steps that got me to this point for setting up the site at some point.

for now, i need to go eat food and play disco elysium.

thank you for reading today’s post. please enjoy your food as well.