retracing your steps
i assume since you’re a human reading this,
you’re not immune to the nostalgia bug.
what do i mean by the nostalgia bug?
i mean the warm, fuzzy feeling you get from
retracing your childhood or reconnecting
with something that you used to love.
recently, i’ve been rewatching Skermz (a DBD streamer)’s
twitch vods to fill time while i queue for FFXIV ultimates,
and i feel happy again. it reminds me of the days i spent
in college grinding my time away with my best friends
at the time playing survivor and raging together.
it would be wise of you to not fall into the “trap”
of nostalgia however, which is when you start thinking
nothing you experience today can live up to once was.
back when you were still doing the stuff you didn’t
realize was the greatest EVER at that point, you had
none of those notions. and look where it got you!
so keep your expectations open. but at the same time,
remember to take a trip down memory lane every once in a while.
thanks for reading today’s post.
i was playing mmos as a kid, and i still am now..