(´_ゝ`) the gooberverse

political content consumption

do you have anything in your life
that you thought you would never get into
but one day, that all changed?

this most recent presidential election has me
more interested in consuming political content
to a degree far greater than ever before in my life.

that is also to say, i used to be of the mind
that political discussion would simply forever be
outside of my wheelhouse and that everyone having
political conversations is essentially just
parroting what someone else said, without substance.

but now i watch hasanabi videos and listen to
lex fridman interview people about stuff that
i used to think i just didn’t care about at all.

funny (sadly?) enough, i think its paying dividends
for nothing else if not just the ability to have
conversations about this stuff with people as a fallback.

thanks for reading today’s post.
the israeli-palestinian conflict? hmm..