(´_ゝ`) the gooberverse

notepad gripes

i got some gripes with notepad.

specifically, notepad on windows 11.

to start, one thing that’s good is that it supports dark mode.
i don’t know if that was there in windows 10.
if it was, i was not appreciative enough of it to acknowledge it.

i use notepad to write these blogposts (editing .md files),
and for some god-forsaken reason, closing the notepad window
does not close the files that have been opened by notepad.

this is not to say that they’re still in an open read/write state,
but that when you reopen notepad the next time,
all the tabs of notepad that you had open before will still be open.

some might think this is a good thing.
i think it just adds a bunch of clutter.
hell, i think it even persists past restarting the computer.

and actually, let’s also appreciate that notepad tabs are a thing anyways.
maybe i should look into a text editing solution i like more.

just my two cents.

thanks for reading today’s post.
notepad is fine, i suppose.