(´_ゝ`) the gooberverse

napping can be dangerous

i’ve been engaging in naps recently..

i try not to nap whenever i can muster the willpower for it,
but with all these nights of playing final fantasy xiv,
i get up in the mornings and i’m like “fuuuhuuuck.

and so, taking a nap after my mandatory morning meetings?
fucking hits like no other. so satisfying. it’s amazing.
and it’s goddamn dangerous.

i’m of the belief that biological reinforcement is a powerful
and volatile thing that can quickly turn against you
without the proper care and control to steer it correctly.

in this case, napping in the mornings reinforces to my system
that sleeping as late as i am is acceptable for survival.

which.. i mean it is.. it just feels not the best to
go to work and then literally nap.
like i kinda feel like a piece of shit, as good as the nap feels.

but also i just am really enjoying playing ffxiv right now,
and if i know myself, i know i’m not willing to budge on the time
i’m putting into it right now, these days.

so i guess i’ll be erring on the side of danger for now.

thanks for reading today’s post.
make sure you get enough sleep. and if you can’t, then nap.