(´_ゝ`) the gooberverse

lowballing people on facebook marketplace

you ever go on facebook marketplace and lowball people?

this is some of the funniest shit ever, i think.
a lot of funny things are based in suffering, either your own
or other peoples' (inflicted either by you or by the universe.)

i’m in the market for a PS5 and i have a buddy on the lookout,
but in the meantime i’m also checking facebook marketplace,
and brother am i lowballing.

it’s part of the game, right?
nobody is gonna buy for the list price.
at least, i HOPE nobody is gonna buy for list price.
at that point you might as well buy new.

so we do the song and dance,
25%-50% lower than list price,
then the seller counter-offers,
and then MAYBE the buyer re-counters or accepts.

it’s just the way of the world.

some people i’ve seen make content out of this for instagram,
where they spray-n-pray lowballing people,
probably not even intending to buy the shit they’re messaging for!

THIS is comedy.

thanks for reading today’s post.
as funny as it is, i would hate to be a facebook marketplace seller
dealing with assholes like me..