(´_ゝ`) the gooberverse

lotion and preventative mindsets

i’ve never had a “perfect” skincare routine.
in fact, i don’t even know what that would look like,
aside from the God of Skincare telling me “Yep, that’s it. You’re doing everything right.”

i keep it pretty simple,
just Cetaphil lotion (i tried cerave, my skin likes Cetaphil more)
and daily facial cleansing.

but i’ve had my fair share of back acne issues
as a result of my proclivity to perspiration.

one lesson i’ve taken away from receiving prescription medication
for relieving my eczema and acne issues is that
there is no better medicine than the preventative type.

that is, if you’re applying stuff when the problem has already happened,
you’re probably already too late. that is not to say to do nothing,
but to remember next time: start early. earlier than you think.

i found that when i committed myself to a more regular skincare routine,
as measly as it is compared to what i’m sure other people would say to do,
my body was blessed with epidermal relief, so to speak.

so i guess what i’m trying to say is, always try to start
before the problem becomes a real problem.

thank you for reading today’s post.
yeah.. Cetaphil is definitely nice.