(´_ゝ`) the gooberverse

in-game names

if you’re unfamiliar with igns, or in-game names,
they’re a way to call someone in a game. their username.
or their character name. or their display name.

my first username that i can remember was Project_Star,
back on a korean mmo that i forget the name of (not MapleStory).
i used a lot of different names like Project_Silver, Project_WAR,
and in the present day, ProjectG (for gabe).

in-game names are fun because they’re what people choose most of the time
and they can be funny, in the case of steam usernames.
my steam username is goober, but i’ve seen people like “CockFuck.Com” or
“Glock in my Rari” when playing Deadlock.

i used to not like my tag because there are so many good ones out there
that it’s easy to compare other people’s creativity to yours and feel
inadequate or dissatisfied with the succinctness.

but i’ve come to own it, more or less.

thanks for reading today’s post.
yes. the g in projectg is not goober. it is gabe.