(´_ゝ`) the gooberverse

hot chocolate in the summer

hot chocolate in the summer is underrated.

as someone whose favorite season is winter, which is, of course
the season of hot chocolate, i often find myself reaching for a mug
of hot cocoa, especially in the summertime (since winter seems so far away..)

i’m not too snobby about my choice of hot chocolate, either.
swiss miss is the classic hot chocolate experience and i think it’s fine,
but i’ve recently been trying out Ghirardelli premium to great satisfaction.

the thing i am snobby about is the method of preparation.

i think boiling milk in a pot means having to clean a pot,
so making hot chocolate in a pot is usually out of the question for me.
i’m about the instant packets and powders.

and so my recipe is to make half to 3/4th’s your cup boiling water in a kettle,
and then pour the remaining volume as milk straight from the fridge.
it saves you a pot, gives you the milky finish everyone wants,
AND cools down the drink so you can actually drink it without having to wait!

i tell people i make my hot chocolate with part water,
and they look at me like i’m crazy.
to them, i say, expand your horizons.

thanks for reading today’s post.
try it! it’s really not that bad.