(´_ゝ`) the gooberverse


in FFXIV the MMO, a “fantasia” is a cash shop item
that you can use to change the race and appearance
of your character, which is otherwise impossible.

FFXIV players can become “fantasia addicts” who
never truly settle on one race for their character,
spending tens of dollars on fantasias, never really
growing into an identity with their guy, and becoming
pretty much a shell of a person (derogatory).

the most recent patch, 7.1 gave out a free Fantasia
for everyone to claim until 7.2 comes out, which will
probably be a in a few months. naturally, i took it
since it’s limited time and everyone has fomo.

i’ve never fantasia’d before as a male miqo’te,
but growing tired of the miqo lean and the shitty
proportions and claw hands that they have, i decided
to fantasia to male viera, knowing that i have a backup
free fantasia that i received a long time ago when i first
started playing the game years back.

and i have to say.. i like the male viera life.
it’s nice having a more normal walk cycle,
more normal and straightened posture, and just
better overall proportions on the character.

on one hand, i remember thinking i would never fantasia
because of the fear of becoming a fantasia addict.
also, i felt a certain attachment to the character
i had made those many years ago and that this was as much
his journey as it was mine. but to be honest, i never really
gave him lore or anything and i think it was just time for
something new. so i’ve made my bed, and i will now lay in it.

this is all to say,
20-something adults should definitely be thinking this much
about their decisions in online video games.

thanks for reading today’s post.
yeah, i go home after work and play virtual dress up. so what.