(´_ゝ`) the gooberverse

deleting old files

how good are you at letting go?

as i was using my rental Fujifilm x-t30ii,
i had to learn more about good storage hygiene for my SD card.
those RAW files are huge! (like 60mb each!)

after each day of shooting when i would get to editing in lightroom,
i would stage photos for editing and throw away the rest.
but throwing away the photos felt.. a little difficult.

i’m the kind of person who likes keeping things around
even if i’m realistically never gonna use them again
because what if i DO use them again? (spoiler alert: i won’t)

i think i got it from my dad’s side. but i digress.
i was going through a similar process cleaning out large video files
on my phone that by default records in UHD60fps,
yielding file sizes on the order of ones of gigabytes.

and deleting some of those files just felt a little sad.
like i was throwing away some part of the past forever.

but i think it’s that act of holding on,
even like fake holding on in the performative sense i’m doing,
that’s probably worse overall.

i think it was either an internet or literary adage that went,
better to let things go, to make room for what awaits you.

thanks for reading today’s post.
i don’t need it.. i definitely don’t need it..