(´_ゝ`) the gooberverse

deadlock and dota 2

i’ve recently been playing valve’s unreleased hero shooter, Deadlock.

my background is that i played a decent (400-600hrs) amount of overwatch/overwatch 2,
and a pretty good amount (~2000hrs) of Dota 2, Valve’s flagship MOBA.

i’m enjoying the game a lot! some of the visuals in-game are a little
rough around the edges, but for the most part, i like the aesthetic they’re going for.
i believe the name of the map is the Rotten Apple, in a kind of 50’s NYC vibe.

the ensemble of characters is interesting and adds a bunch of variety,
which is insane considering how delicate it felt Overwatch was whenever Blizzard
came out with new heroes.

in Deadlock, Valve draws upon years of Hero creation and balance from Dota,
and abilities from Dota are reflected in cool ways in the third-person shooter setting.
for example, Vengeful Spirit’s “Swap” makes a return as Paradox’s ultimate.
and Dynamo’s ultimate is a reprisal of Enigma’s famous black hole.

as a long-time Dota fan (though i haven’t seriously played the game in a decade),
playing the game warms my heart and the newness of third-person shooter movement/aim
makes things interesting basically every match.

i recommend you give it a try!

thanks for reading today’s post.
gaming.. so much gaming..