(´_ゝ`) the gooberverse

cookies n cream

what are your favorite ice cream flavors?

one that’s a surprising goat for me,
but maybe not for others, is cookies n cream.
like an oreo type vibe? those are great.

i’m a big fan of pistachio, mocha/coffee flavors,
cookies n cream. those are probably my top 3.
the reason why cookies n cream is surprising for me
is because as a kid, i thought it was kind of bland.

not bland in terms of taste, but i was moreso
turned off by the idea that there was a flavor
based on a cookie? which is like, what are you
on your own without the cookie flavoring? nothing?
it was a bit shameful.

but as i’ve grown, i tried it, and unsurprisingly,
it’s pretty good. i mean i’d hope it’s good
considering how damn popular it is: everyone’s
got a cookies n cream flavor at this point.

if i’m going to a parlor proper, black cherry
is definitely one i’d like to try as well.
i’ve had it before, but it’s always a treat.

the real question perhaps:
vanilla or chocolate?

thanks for reading today’s post.
i think vanilla is just kinda better. more versatile.