(´_ゝ`) the gooberverse

chipotle's smoked brisket

i had the pleasure of trying out chipotle’s new protein option,
a returner from years past: the smoked brisket.

if you’ve been following the gooberverse, you may remember
that i am a chipotle regular with a consistent order.

however, i am not immune to limited time offerings and the
supernatural pull they have on my humanity and its need to
feel included in the exclusive. far be it from me to defy it.

online reviews would tell you the smoked brisket is
disappointing and that the flavors, forwardmost being the
sweetness of the barbecue sauce, are a mismatch with
the fundamental chipotle ingredients of pseudo-mexican.
that, and that the meat itself would be shockingly dry.

i have found nothing but the opposite in my local chipotle’s
carnivorous catering. the meat was slathered in a sweet, but
salty barbecue sauce that i believed matched well with my
usual order of queso blanco, corn, salsa, fajitas, and white rice.

the conclusion?

it was a fine meal and i would order the brisket again.
i should also take caution to trust internet reviews.

thanks for reading today’s post.
redditors. can’t live with them, can’t live without them.