(´_ゝ`) the gooberverse

car air fresheners

do you have an air freshener in your car?

some people like the trees. “Black Ice”, apparently,
is the scent of choice. supposed to be like new car smell.

new car smell is apparently due to leather outgassing,
by the way. all the plastics and adhesives inside the car
expand from heat and release a “smell”. which some people like!

i kinda liked new car smell, but i wasn’t the biggest fan.
i ended up getting a subscription to Drift,
which i probably got influenced by Instagram into buying.

my preferred scent is coffee, which is surprisingly no longer
on the website for purchase, but since i had a subscription,
they’re letting me keep it! how kind of them. i even upped it to build a reserve.

coffee scented things are great. i found recently that my favorite flavor of drink
could possibly be mocha (coffee and chocolate, thanks Chi Tea).

which is all to say,
i’m spending money every month to make sure my car smells like coffee.

thanks for reading today’s post.
the beans, man.. they smell good..