being quiet
do you think of yourself as quiet or loud?
when i was younger, i remember thinking that
people who were quiet were cooler than people
who were loud. i think it was a grass is always greener
situation for that, though. i had a mouth as a kid.
as i grew older, i got a bit quieter.
it was something i had to learn. when i met up with
some friends from elementary/middle school by the time
i was in college, they were surprised to hear how much
my voice/volume had changed. i even remember days in
high school where i would try to go the entire day
without uttering a single word. although that’s
maybe a different conversation entirely.
nowadays, i think less about being quiet or loud:
it’s mainly about using your words in a non-stupid way.
you can be quiet, and say a lot. you can also be loud,
and say very little. what you actually convey will be dependent
on your delivery and your choice of words. volume is just
one of the vectors for that delivery.
thanks for reading today’s post.
i think being quiet is respectable still, though.